Tuesday, 4 September 2007

med1, group1

If I Had A Chance to Grow Up All Over Again

If I had a chance to grow up all over again
I’d laugh more and cry less
I’d do less complaining and more praising
I’d take more worship and less play
I would care to hate less and to love more
I’d take more concern and care more towards others
I stop my rudeness and hug my mother
I would do more deeds and less sin
I’d do more to help and less to trouble
I would be the sunshine and cheerful
I’d build the relationship and less enemy
I’d care more about others
And more about ALLAH

Group members:


Anonymous said...

good..very creative..

Anonymous said...

i love it...

Anonymous said...

i'm lovin' it...very creative and it's quite touching

Anonymous said...

be honest my friend....the only part which i think consider unique is....the one that mentioned ....i care more about others and more ALLAh....yeahh..

A little bit of something to push yourself

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